Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!

All dressed up and ready for 2016... 
Dear readers, I wish you health, success, happiness, and a lots of LOVE! Reach your Stars! Grab it hard and never let go! Fulfill your dreams and don't be afraid to dream more! Make new planes, find new targets, look for new door to open and spread love around you!

You can of course find out what I was wearing to the Sylvester Party.  Just check new post tomorrow! 

Tonight, however, I wish you great Evening and a lot of Champagne! Have a great time U guys! Love you all! <3

Monday, December 21, 2015

Chocolate dress.

Dressin DRESS (here)
Tidebuy BAG (here)
Dressin SUNGLASSES (here)
Bornprettystore NECKLACE (click here)

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Warm outerwear

CNDirect Outwear - CLICK
Orsay Leggings and bracelets
Colosseum winter boots 
Mohito shopper bag
Reserved scarf (similar HERE)

Monday, November 2, 2015

What to wear on Weekend?

koszula/SHEIN shirt (tutaj/here)
biale jeansy/ FOREVER 18 denim jeans
kurtka/ VERO MODA jacket
torebka/ WHOLESALE7 bag (click)
buty/ ZIGN heels (
zegarek/ DANIEL WELLINGTON watch (click)

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Cosmetic review. Diorskin nude air. Ultra-fluid serum foundation.

Witajcie kochani.
Dawno nie bylo posta kosmetycznego, postanowilam dodac dzisiaj recenzje nowego podkladu Dior, ktory wpadl mi w rece i przyznam, jest wart recenzji.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Last summer outfit.

ostatni juz w tym sezonie letni post, najwyzszy czas na inspiracje jesienno-zimowe.
Zdjecia sa wspomnieniem z wakacji, chcialam zeby wyszlo naturalnie i wesolo. Dlatego nie ma na zadnym zdjeciu powaznej miny, 
Mam nadzieje, ze przypomni Wam sie lato choc na chwile. 
Bluzka na zdjeciach pochodzi z bardzo fajnego sklepu DRESSGAL, Zapraszam Was w wolnej chwili. 
Milego weekendu <3 Buziaki!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Autumn collages

Hi You guys,

Do you remember how you like it my summer dress combined with boots? Well, I decided to create for you some collages exactly with the same idea. I find it very fashionable!
And I think this way we can still use our summer outfits and adopt it as a fall looks! :) Look at those two ideas and tell me how you like it?
Click the links to shop the items! <3 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Little black... jumpsuit.

kombinezon/ black jumpsuit (find here)
pasek/ H&M belt
szpilki/ Buffalo London heels
torebka/ Banggood clutch (here)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

CNDirect wishlist.

Do you know already the online store CNDirect? This is a sample of the beautiful items you find there! :)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Watermelon ice-cream dress.

sukienka/ newdress dress (here)
torebka/ newdress bag (click)
naszyjnik/ dresslink necklace (find here)
buty/ Buffalo London heels

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bye Bra Revolution

Hi You guys!

I have something very special today,

Like I promised last time, I present you today a product very important for us - Ladys!!! Especially in summertime, Holidays, Special events. 
Imagine you have a top or amazing dress back free. You tried already silicone bra, but it looks unnatural, and you have this impression that it will fall off in the worst moment, And you need something so discreet as possible. This one is exactly for you! 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

One-piece trend.

 kombinezon/ H&M jumpsuit 
torba/ Mohito shopper bag
sandaly/ Lasocki leather sandals
paznokcie /Primark nails
tatuaze/ Bipa tatoos

Saturday, July 25, 2015

KEDEM Kiwi-Mango scrub.

Hej Kochani, 
dzisiaj kosmetyczna recenzja.

Peeling z firmy Kedem. Produkowany w Izraelu. Z soli z morza martwego i z olejami.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Hi Everybody!
I would like to share with you today amazing news! Have you visit before the store? Did you like it? Now, the same store has a new name! From now on, you can shop your favorite stuff in totally refreshed website of SHEIN.COM! The same great quality and the newest trends! 

Monday, July 20, 2015


Z serii ''nowosci w szafie'', przedstawiam Wam biala bluze od SheIn (dawne Sheinside).
Ze wzgledu na to, ze zle wybralam rozmiar, bluza na mnie jest zbyt mala (rozmiar M). Dlatego tez pod koniec wakacji pojawi sie w Giveaway na moim blogu. Zapraszam Was serdecznie do sledzenia. Pojawilaby sie wczesniej, ale nie bede miala jak wyslac paczki. Dlatego przesuniety termin. :) 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Moment belongs to You. SheIn promotion!

Hi you guys, 
I just wanted to share with You a new promotion from SheIn, you find here Festival dresses, beacj dresses, Back to School dresses, and many others! Even something for special occasion!
Summer is almost a half way, and SheIn is starting now their sale! Check out those beautiful items, maybe some of them will be in your wardrobe soon!

Friday, July 10, 2015

EOS lip balm

Hi U guys!Have you heard about the Eos lip balms? Tempted by all the roomers I decided to look closer. Beside, I love all the lip care products, it's always a pleasure to try something new!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Homecoming dresses from Cocomelody.

Hi everybody!
Long time no seen, I was missing you! 
I just wanted to share with you some amazing fashion news. Did you visit already Cocomelody internet store? Now they have an offer of a beautiful short homecoming dresses! I found them very special, that's why wanted to show you a few, take a look!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Magdalena Frackowiak for Boden Collection summer 2015

Dzisiaj kilka propozycji na lato od Boden Collection, brytyjskiej marki której wcześniej nie znałam zbyt dobrze. Mają prześliczne sukienki, zresztą sami popatrzcie. W roli głównej Magda Frąckowiak! :) 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Travel season. Visiting Pula. Part one.

Hi you guys! 
I was not around some time, please don't be upset, coming back with a bunch of new posts!!!
This first one is about travelling (that exactly what I was doing). 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Be a little boho.

sukienka/ Dresslink flower dress (click here)
buty /Forever 21 sandals
torebka/ Dresslink purse (click here)

ENG: Do you remember the dress from my wishlist? (HERE) Here it is. I like it with the fringe bag and wedges! What do you think?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The one after the rain.

bluzka/ Orsay blouse
jeansy/ Abercrombie&Fitch jeans
szpilki/ Zign white heels (
naszyjnik/ Happiness Boutique necklace (find here)
bransoleta/ dresslink bracelet (here)
okulary/ dresslink sunnies (here)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


PL: Czesc Kochani, mam dla Was super GIVEAWAY! Nie trzeba nic polubiac, lajkowac ani obserwowac niczyich blogow! Wystarczy, ze 
1) klikniecie na strone i wybierzecie z niej sukienke, ktora najbardziej sie Wam spodoba! Potem, 
2) logujecie sie na stronie rafflecopter (okno ponizej) i tam zostawiacie swoj komentarz plus link do sukienki. 
I to wszystko! Na koniec jest losowanie, i to wlasnie do Was sukienka moze zostac wyslana zupelnie za darmo! 
3) Giveaway jest miedzynarodowy, kazdy moze wziac udzial!
4) im wiecej uczestnikow, tym wieksze szanse! Musi wziac udzial min.50 osob. Jesli liczba przekroczy 100, wtedy losowane sa 2 zwyciezczynie! Dlatego zaproscie znajomych! Im wiecej tym lepiej!


ENG: Hi you guys! I have for you great news!
Today, and for the next 10 days, you have a chance to win your chosen dress from! You don't have to ''LIKE'' any pages, follow any blog or any profiles!!! Just follow 2 steps:
1) choose your favorite dress (any dress) from
2) Log in to rafflecopter (below) with your e-mail or FB account. And leave your comment together with link of your chosen dress

How simple is that?

Saturday, April 18, 2015

See the beauty of Austria.

PL: Kochani, dzisiaj Was zapraszam w mala podroz po Austrii. A dokladnie na granice Styrii.
Znajduje sie tu przepiekne miejsce nazwane przez Austriakow ''Dachstein'', czyli kamienny dach.
Chcialabym pokazac Wam moja wizyte w gorskiej krainie, ktora pozostawila niesamowite wspomnienia w mojej pamieci. A jesli bedziecie mieli kiedykolwiek okazje odwiedzic okolice, to zachecam Was do zobaczenia tez tego niezwyklego miejsca.
Zostawiam Was ze zdjeciami, ktore niestety i tak nie oddadza realnego widoku...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Unique wedding dresses.

Many designers are trying to create a special, unique and the most amazing wedding dress. The dress that every girl would like to have on her special day. It's very difficult task, because every girl got a different taste, and she want something else than others. 
Weddingshe has a huge amount of projects, a lot of different designs, shapes and colors of dresses. The most wanted are A line wedding dresses. The classic A line wedding dress makes you look proportional, cover some imperfections and it is the traditional princess- dress type. With a beautiful train is really looking spectacular. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Wear me out!

sweter/ Sheinside sweater (find here)
spodnie/ H&M boyfriend jeans
platformy/ Forever21 platform sandals
kopertowka/ H&M clutch
bransoletka/ Tidestore bracelet (click)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wishlist come true!

PL: Hej! Po raz pierwszy zdarza mi sie robic wishliste z rzeczy, ktore faktycznie maja sie pojawic w mojej szafie. :) Oto lista ze sklepu Dresslink! Serdecznie Was zapraszam do obejrzenia! :) A jesli chcecie zobaczyc jak ja bede wygladac w tych samych rzeczach, prosze sledzcie mojego bloga, posty beda sie pojawiac juz wkrotce!

ENG:  My lovely fashionistaS! I've never though that someday I will make a wishlist with items that suppose to appear in my own wardrobe! That's it! This is the wishlist from Dresslink! Check those gorgeous things! If you want to see how I will look like wearing those, please follow my blog! I will start posting the outfits soon!


Monday, April 6, 2015

Happy Splash-Monday!

Sesja jest dokladnie sprzed dwoch lat, ale jakze dzisiaj mi przypadla do gustu! :)
Projekty uwazam wciaz bardzo aktualne!
Tak wygladamy modnie w lany poniedzialek Kochane! <3


Saturday, April 4, 2015


Hi everybody!

I wonder, do you have already planes for new items in your wardrobe? Every time new season is coming I want to have something new, fresh, different from the things I've had before. You have this thoughts?
Me too! Those are mine, on the list to buy soon! I picked up some gorgeous items from, check this out! 
Clicking the link under or the photo, you will know more about every item, also its price.

Tell me, what do you think?

 1. A white summer dress (CLICK)

2. A fringe bag (CLICK)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Whenever spring comes, I'm ready!

kardigan/ ROMWE knit cardigan (look here)
bluzka/ FOREVER 18 blouse
biale jeansy/ FOREVER 18 denim jeans
szpilki/ Tidebuy heels (here)
torba/ Persunmall shoulder bag (here)
zegarek/ FOREVER 21 watch
okulary/ Firmoo sunnies 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


ENG: Hi everybody!
Today next cosmetic review. 
I decided to buy one of the L'Oreal Professional shampoos. My hair are really dry, My regular shampoo is not working so well, so I though... lets spend some money. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Rockin' Spring time!

kurtka/ Mohito biker jacket
tunika/ Mohito top
spodnie/ H&M leather pants
bransoletka/ BornPretty bracelet (check here)
buty/ Buffalo London high heels (

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Wedges on top!

HI U guys! 
I know it is still a bit cold outside, but I'm waiting already for spring time!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Dior Addict It.Lash Vs YSL Shocking! Mascara test.

PL: Kochani, dzisaj krotkie review nowej mascary Dior Addict (phhh..., no nie takiej znowu nowej, juz ponad pol roku na rynku) i juz dobrze znanej YSL Shocking. Mialam okazje kupic i przetestowac, wiec dziele sie z Wami moimi wrazeniami. Sa w podobnej cenie, od bardzo dobrze znanych producentow kosmetykow. Tak wiec... sami zobaczcie!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fashion Review Spring/Summer 2015.

Fashion campaigns for next season? Here you go my dear Fashion Freaks! This is what the experts show right now!
I've choose the photos I liked the most. Enjoy!

Balenciaga Spring Summer 2015 (Sasha Pivovarova)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Is it Spring already?

Spodnie/ Tally Weijl pants
kurtka/ Mohito biker jacket
torba/ bag (find here)
szalik/ Orsay scarf
kolczyk/ Born Pretty Store earring (get here)
buty/ Corti leather boots

PL: Dzisiaj zestaw calkiem zwyczajny, casualowy.
Chcialam Wam pokazac dodatkowo kilka zdjec z pieknej Styrii, gdzie mieszkam. To juz kilka lat, a odkrywam wciaz nowe zakatki... I wyglada na to, ze niedlugo wiosna!